Kenneth Arnold Sighting
Kenneth Arnold, a
respected pilot and fire-control-equipment salesman, was flying a Callair near
Mineral, Washington just before 3 PM on June 24, 1947. He noticed
flashes of light from a formation of nine bright objects moving south toward Mt.
Rainier. "They were
flying in an echelon, with the lead object at a higher elevation than
the rest." He began clocking their speed as they passed over Mt.
Rainier and moved on to Mt. Adams. Using the known
distance and time interval, he calculated a figure of 2700 kph. When first
sighted they were about 160 km away. As he moved toward them, he got
within 40 km of them. As they swerved in and out of the smaller mountain
peaks, flipping from side to side in unison and presenting their lateral
surfaces, they reflected the bright afternoon sunlight, causing the flashes. All but
one of the objects looked like flat discs; the other, darker than the rest,
resembled a crescent. They were last seen heading south over the last high
peak of Mt. Adams, and had been in view about two and a half minutes.
Arnold later flew along the path which the nine objects had taken -- dashed line
in the graphic -- and deduced
that they had formed a chain about 8 km long. Arnold told reporters
that the objects' movement reminded him of a flat rock bouncing up and down as
it skipped across water. Newspaper headlines substituted "Flying
Saucer" to describe this motion, and the term appeared subsequently in
other UFO reports. Source: The UFO
Encyclopedia, pgs. 2:216-19. Map courtesy DeLorme, Inc.